Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Trait Theories Behind Larceny Essay Example for Free
Trait Theories Behind Larceny Essay Larceny is an offense which pervades social classes. This crime is not committed only by the poor but even also the middle and upper class members of society. This paper will try to explain the causation theory behind larceny using and combining the biosocial trait theory, the nature-versus-nurture theory, and the differential association theory.            Larceny is the unlawful taking and carrying away of the property of another, with intent to deprive the owner of its use or to appropriate it to the use of the perpetrator or of someone else. Larceny, as will be discussed in this paper, will include theft and embezzlement.            The BioSocial Trait Theory tells us that a crime is controlled by biological conditions determined at birth, and that environmental, and social conditions work in concert to produce human behavior (Siegel, 2006).            The Nature Theory suggests that criminal behavior is linked to low intelligence while the Nurture Theory suggests that intelligence must be viewed as partly biological but primarily sociological, meaning, people do not commit crimes because they have low IQs. Instead, environmental stimulation from parents, relatives, social contacts, schools, peer groups, and innumerable others create a child’s IQ level and that low IQs result from an environment that also encourages delinquent and criminal behavior (id).            The Differential Association Theory suggests that skills and motives conducive to crime are learned as a result of contacts with pro-crime values, attitudes, and definitions and other patterns of criminal behavior (id). In short, criminal behavior is learned. Combining the Theories            Each of the three theories mentioned above, more or less, explains why larceny may be committed. However, each one, standing alone, may not be sufficient to explain every act of larceny.            For example, the BioSocial Theory explains that larceny is committed because of a need. This may explain why a person in dire financial straits may be inclined to commit thievery. However, this does not explain why people from the upper class society commit embezzlement, like rich corporate stockholders who transfer the corporations money to their own bank accounts.            The nature-versus-nurture explains that larceny is linked to persons with low IQs. This is not necessarily true because white-collar crimes, such as professional theft, are committed by very smart people with college or MBA degrees.            The Differential Association Theory explains that criminal tendencies toward larceny is learned by association and assimilation. Perhaps this is partly true. However, larceny has been committed by people who come from very law-abiding families and by people who associate with law-abiding peers. There have been thieveries committed between and among members of the same religious groups.            Now, all these theories, though sufficient for certain cases, may be insufficient for other cases. A combination of all three may explain almost all, if not all, of the cases of larceny. Perhaps, from a different point of view, a combination of all these theories of causation will more concretely explain why people commit larceny. In fact, in reality, larceny may not have been committed because of just one factor but by a multitude of them. The more theories of causation behind a single crime of larceny, the better we see why a person is motivated to commit such crime.            For example, a treasurer of a corporation appropriates funds of the corporation and deposits it in his own bank account. He is rich, intelligent, well-educated and trustworthy but still he commits it. This is a case when the theories cannot explain the causation behind the commission of larceny. Perhaps the explanation is the contribution of all three causation theories to the commission of larceny in this case.            Partly, the BioSocial Theory may explain that his genetic makeup is such that he has a propensity to commit the crime. It is in his blood, his desire to acquire more. Perhaps he wants to a quick way to get rich because he wants to retire at an early age but he does not commit a crime to do it because he has been well educated otherwise or is afraid of the punishment. Partly too, the Nature-versus-Nurture Theory may contribute to the explanation that though he may have a high degree of education, he has been raised by a father who is a thief or a corrupt government official. He was raised by money acquired by extra-legal means. The environment in which he was raised taught him that corruption is alright. And partly too, the Differential Association Theory contributes to the explanation by assimilating the criminal behavior he has acquired from his parent. He has already learned that corruption is an acceptable virtue as long as one provides for the family.            Each of these factors, standing alone, may not be sufficient to convince him to commit larceny because his criminal propensity may be deterred by his knowledge of the punishment for the crime or just by his desire to live as a law-abiding citizen. However, when all these factors concur, his motivation to commit larceny will be greater. He knows that if his father was able to get away with corruption, perhaps he may also be as lucky even though all his conscience shouts otherwise. He knows that he knows enough on how to get away with it because his father may have unconsciously taught him the tricks. Having all these factors present is enough to succumb to the temptation to commit larceny. References Siegel, Larry J. Criminology 9th ed. Thomson/Wadsworth: 2006.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Charles Dickens Great Expectations as a Fairy Tale :: Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essays
Charles Dickens' Great Expectations as a Fairy Tale There are many ways in which Great Expectations resembles a fairy tale, such as the themes- poor people receiving riches, the moral reasons, - do good unto others and you shall be repaid. During Victorian times stories were used mainly for morals purposes. One of the main reasons why resembles a fairy tale is due to its characters Great Expectations has many characters that reflect the characteristics of those in fairy tales. Some of these fairy tale characteristics are found in Miss Havisham. In chapter eight, when Miss Havisham first appears, she seems to take on the aspect of a fairy godmother, but yet, she still seems to come across as a distorted figure. In chapter eleven, Pip tells how she placed her hand upon his shoulder, â€Å"†¦She looked like the witch of the place.†This shows Miss Havisham to be the wicked witch of the story. Chapter fifteen, in this chapter of the book we learn about the ‘morose journeyman’ and the sort of tales he told Pip. â€Å"†¦the devil lived in a black corner of the forge, and that he knew the fiend very well: also that it was necessary to make up the fire, once in seven years, with a live boy, and that I might consider myself fuel.†The horror stories Pip was told throughout his childhood are threaded into the texture of the novel through various images, and at this point in the book, Miss Havisham represents the witch, but she is also fulfilling the role of the fairy Godmother. Another witchlike character in the book is Mrs. Joe. Estella is another character ‘type’ that you would find in a fairy tale. She comes across as the princess of the story. When we first meet Estella she comes across as mean, and cold hearted which is due to being brought up by Miss Havisham. As we get further into the story we begin too fell sorry for Estella, as she has lived all her life with a ‘witch’. She now seems to be the doomed princess; however, in chapter 29, it seems as if Estella will no lunge be the doomed princess. ††¦ in short, do all the shining deeds of the young Knight of romance, and marry the princess.†This chapter shows that Pip believes he can rescue Estella from Miss Havisham and live a happy life with her. Orlick and Magwitch represent the ogre type character that you would find in a fairy tale. In chapter fifteen we learn how Pip feels that Orlick dislikes him fro some unknown reason. â€Å"†¦Drew out a red-hot bar, made at me with it as
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Japan: stopping Nuclear Proliferation
The question of Nuclear Proliferation must be qualified as to whether or not it depends on the proliferation of nuclear weapons or on the proliferation of nuclear energy facilities. In response to the first type of nuclear proliferation, which is the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the only resolution available to Japan on this matter is to actively participate in the lobbying against nuclear proliferation in the United Nations Security Council.It has to take a definite stand and gain the support of other countries in preventing more countries from gaining the capability of manufacturing nuclear weapons. Peaceful negotiations with China and North Korea, which are the only nuclear weapon threats in the region, can also have the intended effect of coming at a peaceful resolution to this problem. With regard to the issue of nuclear capabilities, which may also lead to the manufacture of nuclear weapons, Japan must take a more direct role.Japan has a lot technologies and techniques at its disposal to aid those countries that resort to nuclear energy to solve their energy crisis. The financial grants that Japan is willing to grant may act as deterrent for nuclear proliferation and instead encourage these energy challenged nations to seek eco-friendly and non-threatening sources of energy to address their needs. 2. South Korea: Peaceful Resolution of the DPRK Nuclear Proliferation and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ReformThe only way to talk peace is to lead through a peaceful example. The nearest nuclear threat to South Korea is North Korea which has been aggressively testing or declaring that it has nuclear capabilities. The continued efforts at peaceful negotiations are the only way to attain the non-violent resolution that South Korea wants. To threaten a country that may have nuclear capabilities can lead to disastrous results because any sign of aggression could lead to North Korea’s use of whatever nuclear devices that it could have at its disposal.South Korea must also be wary of accepting aid from any other parties that North Korea considers as threats of political enemies. While resort to the United Nations Security Council is indeed a viable option for South Korea, history has revealed that sanctions do not necessarily threaten North Korea. Instead North Korea has maintained that it is willing to use its nuclear weapons against anyone that tries to take any aggressive action against them. The key for South Korea is to conduct peaceful negotiations and adopt a maximum tolerance policy towards North Korea.3. China: The Further Regulation of SALW (Small Arms and Light Weapons) Internationally. China as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council has quite an advantage in convincing the other nations and members of the United Nations to take a more active role in the regulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons internationally. China must also take measures to prevent the manufacture and distribution of SA LW within its own borders as well; the unmonitored arms manufacturing that goes on within Chinese borders is one of the largest sources of these SALW.By cracking down on these small manufacturing plants, China can drastically reduce the volume of SALW that is being produced. It can also take better measures to enforce the policies and also take a more active role in monitoring its borders, especially those that are near the Eastern European Bloc, Russia and the Middle East. This may not be easy for China to do, however, due to the enormity of its country and the lack of funding to police its own borders and industries. 4. Philippines: support for measures to Decrease Human TraffickingThe problem of the Philippines is more economic than it is in Human Trafficking. The daily minimum wage of the Philippines is roughly US$ 4. Improving the living and working conditions of the people of the Philippines is one way of controlling the Trafficking in Humans that occurs within the country. Th e problem with the Philippines is that the economic situation is so poor that there is now a fine line between those who leave the country to find a better life voluntarily and those that have been trafficked. Improving the economic situation will greatly alleviate the situation for the Philippines.While more police measures and tourism regulations are options for the Philippines, the problem remains to be the funding that is needed for police measures and the loss of badly needed revenue caused by tourism regulations. 5. South Korea: Stop Human Trafficking in Asia South Korea is definitely in a better position to do something about the Human Trafficking problem in Asian because of the robust economy that South Korea has. From a geographical perspective, there is not much that South Korea can do to stop this problem.South Korea, however, has the technology and the funds that are necessary to help the economic status of most of its neighbors. Sending financial aid or investing more i n the Philippines will greatly help stop Human Trafficking because it will result in more jobs for the locals and raise the standards of living immensely. The only resolution for South Korea in this matter then lies in being able to encourage the growth of economic conditions within the area to deter the occurrence of Human tracking within the Asian Region. 6.Malaysia: Measures to eliminate International Terrorism International Terrorism is a problem that Malaysia may be too small to prevent. While there are arguably terrorist cells within the South East Asian region, the hotbed for these cells is not Malaysia but rather Indonesia. There is however a certain criteria for Malaysia that may help in taking measures to eliminate International Terrorism. The strong economy of Malaysia gives it the resources that it needs to fund any efforts that its neighbors are taking in order to address the issue.Its membership in the ASEAN is also another key since it can ask for aid from the other m embers and encourage them to take more action against these terrorist groups within the area. 7. Australia: United Nations Reform within the Security Council Australia is currently one of the emerging economies in the world and has gained more and more stature in the United Stations for its involvement in the Invasion of Iraq and the military support that it has been lending to the United States for its war on terror.Australia makes a perfect candidate as a permanent member of the Security Council because of its military strength and active support of the military mobilizations and also because of its geographical location. The alliances that it has with some of the other permanent members of the Security Council such as the United States and the United Kingdom will certainly provide it with a lot leverage when it lobbies for reform within the Security Council of the United Nations. 8. Indonesia: Energy Security for Developing Countries Indonesia possesses one of the world’s largest coasts.The energy production potential of Indonesia is enormous. Its geographical location and unique topography give it the potential to not only produce a lot cheap tidal energy and geothermal energy but recent findings have also located oil deposits on the Indonesian Archipelago. This means that if Indonesia is able to tap into these energy reserves it will be able to generate a lot of energy that it can sell to its neighbors, most of them developing countries such as the Philippines. 9. North Korea: supplementing Developing Countries with EnergyNorth Korea arguably has the nuclear technology needed to supplement the developing countries near it with the energy that they need in order to sustain economic growth. Instead of concentrating on the development of nuclear weapons, North Korea can greatly improve its economic status and the welfare of its citizens by shifting its nuclear production to the production of nuclear energy that it can sell to its neighbors. Its locati on on the Korean Peninsula gives it access to other countries on the continent and also to South Korea.All of the developing countries within its area can gain from the nuclear energy that North Korea can produce once it diverts the nuclear production to nuclear energy production. This will greatly benefit North Korea and improve its economy. It is an ideal set up for developing countries because it spares them the costs of manufacturing energy plants and is ideal for North Korea because it has the basic components that are necessary to initiate such a shift. 10. Singapore: Eliminating Illegal Drugs in the International Realm Singapore became the great nation that it is during the administration of Lee Kwan Yew.The somewhat dictatorial methods of Lee Kwan Yew put many things in order in Singapore and have made it one of the cleanest and most habitable countries in the world. The Singaporean model of government could serve as an international model that could be effective in eliminat ing the drug problems on an international level. The economic stability and the absence of illegal dealings in drugs that Singapore has been able to sustain over the years is an status that the international community can hope to attain by modeling their policies against the Singaporean model.11. Thailand: Support for Humanitarian mine action involvement Thailand is one of the most progressive countries within its immediate regional vicinity. The countries that neighbor Thailand are Cambodia and Vietnam. These countries are still riddled with thousands of unexploded and planted land mines. The problem for these countries however is that they lack the resources to begin the removal of these land mines. Thailand can help in this matter by providing these countries with the economic and technological assistance that they need in order to remove these mines.Alternatively, Thailand can also use indirect method by encouraging trade with these countries in an effort to revitalize their eco nomies and provide them with self-sustaining methods of funding that can help in the removal of these mines. 12. New Zealand: Support for the UNAIDS audits and education program New Zealand is relatively remote island country that has very little infrastructure as caused by the economic depression that it suffered a few years ago. It has begun focusing on a knowledge economy in an effort to revitalize its economy. It needs the support of the UNAIDS however to succeed in this endeavor.The key to resolving this problem lies in being able to reverse the â€Å"brain drain†problem thus assuring UNAIDS that whatever support is given to New Zealand will ultimately benefit the country and not just relocate to another place. 13. Vietnam: Achieving the MGDs The Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations are aimed at improving the overall welfare of the world by the year 2015. In order for Vietnam to achieve these goals, it will need plenty of financial assistance from foreign lending institutions that are willing to take debt-for-nature swaps or debt-for-equity swaps.For Vietnam to be able to achieve the MGD, it will need to promote economic growth in order to reduce unemployment and poverty. Investments in infrastructure and health care are also essential for Vietnam if it aims to achieve these goals. All of these however can only be achieved through the help of financial institutions and other countries that are willing to provide grants to Vietnam. It must also be important for Vietnam to secure these grants under favorable conditions so as not to unduly burden its fledgling economy.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
A Stroll Through Mayfair Park Lane Casino - 1570 Words
Take a stroll through Mayfair with Park Lane Casino Park Lane Casino is widely considered to the hottest new online casino on the block, having really hit the ground running since its debut. Showing that it goes beyond being just another â€Å"fancy selection of games†, it is fairly clear that this new brand is clearly committed to delivering the very best online casino experience that it can. Showing this commitment, Park Lane Casino have now announced that moving forward they will be integrating Extreme Live Gaming products. To those who are unaware, what this means is that some of the most exhilarating live casino games in the world are soon to debut. What makes this deal so pivotal to the evolution of Park Lane Casino is the fact that†¦show more content†¦If you love live casino play then the secret is very much out, Park Lane Casino will soon be deserving of your attention. Extreme Live Gaming brings its impressive product catalogue to Park Lane Casino When a new online casino launches it will often be met with a cold-hearted scoff by sceptical players. Reason being that online casino loyalists have really seen it all over the years, with most â€Å"cookie cuter†online casinos quickly being disregarded by players. Let me tell you, Park Lane Casino is by no means another â€Å"cookie cutter†online casino; in fact, it proves to be anything but. Embracing innovation every step of the way, Park Lane Casino has recently announced that it will be bringing live casino games into the fold through a new working relationship Novomatic-run Extreme Live Gaming. You may be wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to Extreme Live Gaming. Well, what is making the deal so special is the fact that Extreme Live Gaming is widely considered to be one of the biggest live casino names in the industry today. What this going to bring Park Lane Casino members is live casino variations of some of the world’s biggest fan favourite games, including Roulette, Blackjack, and Baccarat. Within the realm of traditional live casino play there is no denying that Park
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